Speed and agility training is, by its very nature, something that can obviously benefit from video analysis. As reported below, House of Speed’s “tool…
“That opened the door for me to step in and, show them – because I work so much with video – some of the…
The following article, written by Carrie Bigbie and copied from Dan Tudor’s Collegiate Strategies website explains how the University of Buffalo have adopted a…
The Dartfish software key position, or its Dartfish Express equivalent, the still shot, are the foundation of a Dartfish analysis but I’ll bet you…
Here is a tip for Dartfish power users. It was sparked by this question…. “I’d like to display the current score on the video.…
Across the globe, Olympic athletes competing in each of the 15 winter sport disciplines, Dartfished their way to the Winter Olympic Games. Over 68%…
I’ve got stuck into a lot of teaching these last couple of months, mostly helping Dartfishers take their first steps. I love it when…