I’ve got stuck into a lot of teaching these last couple of months, mostly helping Dartfishers take their first steps. I love it when these experts in their own field make me look at our software in new ways and, as a result of that, yesterday I found myself giving out some advice that I thought might be good to share.

A short while ago, an update to Dartfish 6 and 7 introduced the possibility to create a new dartfish.tv collection during upload. A very useful improvement for any channel admin, but let’s say you have the kind of customer flow that a physiotherapist has with patients or a bike fitter has with clients. You want to share analysis but the possibility is that it is a one off share. For you, this small change could represent a completely new workflow:

  1. You create your storyboard in the Analyzer, enriching it with key positions. In fact my client yesterday decided it would be nice to add an analysis recording to give an overview before going into the detail. Good idea.
  2. Now you publish. At the step where the collection is chosen, create a new one.
  3. The collection type is limited. You’ll find out why in a moment.
  4. Continue through the upload steps, perhaps attaching any relevant documentation. Be sure to give the Mediabook a catchy title and interesting description that promote your services.
  5. After upload, follow the link to the uploaded movie, and share a link to it with your client.
  6. The beauty of this is that the whole process is completed without any admin tasks. If a limited collection is used, there is no need to create a subscription and your client can view the analysis without having to create an account.

    A limited collection lets them print paper copy, download the video, or even the entire analysis if they are prepared to make a $5 investment in the app.
    Better still, the analysis is exclusive to him/her but perhaps, if your services have worked a miracle or his/her style is particularly striking, it can still get tweeted or emailed or posted on Facebook etc; bringing other traffic to your channel.

    So far, so good but be aware that without a subscription, your client won’t get automatic notifications should you later add new content. Also, he/she must always follow the link you send. Without that there is no access. Finally, only admins can create collections so your colleagues may not be able to follow this workflow unless you are happy to give them administrator rights.

    Nevertheless, as a way of getting a complete analysis to a client this workflow offers some significant advantages over the alternatives.


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