Dartfish Product Announcement

September 7, 2022, Today Dartfish announced that it is offering a new affordable charting service and game library bundle to its Baseball and Softball products.

The new bundle is added to our existing self-charting products thus providing all the same functionality of our client software, visual data reports and private Dartfish TV channel within player development, game planning and game preparation coaching processes.

The Dartfish bundle addresses the limitations that other vendors have with internet-based access to their game library.

Chuck Wilmot Dartfish’s Director of Baseball-Softball operations states:

“We are excited to offer this optional service to customers. With this new service our team charts your games and for our softball customers provide access to our entire game library.  This is a great efficiency for your staff, however what excites me is how coaches can use the content effectively within player development, game planning and game preparation processes.”

Dartfish is here to discuss and demonstrate our products and services. To setup a online session please contact Gina Fogue by emailing gina.fogue@dartfish.com or texting her at 816.682.0953


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