2020’s first semester was busy on the side of our sharing platform, dartfish.tv. We have developed new features to make the analyst’s job easier and improve the platform user experience.
Find out, below, the 4 main features developed in this first semester
- Web Upload
If this feature is activated on your channel, you can upload videos on dartfish.tv from a web browser. There is no need to use the software. Merge up to 4 videos during the upload and assign video keywords. The Web Upload is available on all the Unlimited channels. Contact us if you are interested in it.
Learn how to use it here
- Download single events from a whole video
You may have faced the situation where you wanted to download only a few short events belonging to a 2-hours video and you had to patiently wait for the whole video to be downloaded so that you could then analyze those few events. You can now download each event as an individual clip and get it on your computer in mere seconds

- Sharing of download rights by non-admin members
Managing a large number of collections is time-consuming for administrators of dartfish.tv channels. We recently added an “Invite” right at the collection level. With this, administrators can delegate the management of members within collections to other dartfish.tv users. To further facilitate the administrative work of channels, users with “Invite” rights can grant the “Download” rights when sharing the collection content.

- Sharing a video at a designated event or stillshot
Jump to the right moment when sharing a video with your viewers, so that they immediately start to watch the video at the relevant time.

Learn about all the other new features in the dartfish.tv release notes
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